
Monday, December 19, 2016

Why websites ranking dropped

Reasons, why websites ranking dropped?

SEO refers to search engine optimization which is the tool of Digital Marketing used to promote the website on the Google Page. The SEO helps to raise the rank of your website as it consists of tools and also some techniques which are helpful to make your website a trustful website. Once your website ranks placed at the top of the Google page that doesn’t mean, that you do not need to do work on it. You have to continuously work on the strategies and the techniques you were following. The rank fluctuates after doing the work regularly, why so, why it happens????

why websites ranking dropped

Let’s discuss the reasons behind it:

      Tracking the wrong rankings- In the few years, the people ignoring the websites in which the small keywords and phrases are, still the websites using these types methods are blown off from the Google page. So to avoid using the small keywords and phrases. If you want to attract the more traffic towards your website then do follow the natural English language in your posts and blogs which are preferred by the audience a lot.

    Google Dance-The Google dance is the outdated term of SEO nowadays, it refers to the fluctuating of ranks on the Google page. The ranks of website fluctuate in short period of time. But now the Google updated and used to crawl the website on daily basis.

   Losing high-quality links- If your website losing the high-quality links then it leads to disappear it from the google page. So as your website started losing the high-quality links,  start building the high-quality links. Building the links leads to attracting the audience because the best links come naturally.

      Competitors- The Seo is an ongoing process which means your continual efforts makes you the king of the web page. The websites on the Google page is not well-optimized due to this the owners of the website keep on doing modifications on the website which fluctuates the ranking.

These are the few reasons as well as their solutions which help you to raise the rank of your websites. SEO is an interesting technology. Learn SEO by doing SEO Training in Chandigarh provided by the CBitss Technologies.
For more information contact 9988741983


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